Chairman of the Board
Elin Sarai
Member of the board
Dag Rasmussen, born 1968, is member of the board and Chief Executive Officer of the company. Dag has a M.Sc. in marine engineering from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and a M.Sc. in Shipping Trade and Finance from City University in London. He was subsequently employed in the shipping division of Kreditkassen (now a part of Nordea Bank) in London for two years. Since 1998 he has been employed in RASMUSSENGRUPPEN AS and has been the CEO from 2005. He has been a member of the Board since 2000.
Member of the board
Carl Einar Bonnevie Rasmussen, født 1993, styremedlem. Studerte Marin Teknikk med spesialisering i kybernetikk ved Norges Tekniske og Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU), tidligere NTH.
Member of the board
Cathrine Rasmussen, born 1965. Holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology/social economics from Indiana University, USA from 1990. Afterwards she has dedicated her life to the horse sport and has run stud farms in Denmark and Norway for 25 years. At the same time, she has had an active equestrian career and has been part of the Norwegian national dressage team for the last 12 years, with participation in several Nordic, European and World championships.
Member of the board
Per Otto Rasmussen Dahl, born 1971. Per Otto holds a cand. polit. degree from University of Oslo, majoring in political science. He is a lecturer at Briskeby upper secondary school. He has previously held various positions within education, school management and project development.